It all started with talking with my mother and my mother in law about trying to do the pallet buying to see how things goes. We talked and talked about it but never did go ahead and do anything about it. Then my mother passed and so one day I did it, I purchased a pallet of uninspected returns. Most of the product was good and some had missing pieces as one would expect from buying that sort of pallet. But then I had the bright idea to forget about doing the pallet way and go about finding my wholesalers that I buy from and am able to give a deal on most things but as most of you may know some things I have to be a bit pricey with, because of what I get it for plus the shipping and taxes.
I have always had this want and need to help others and help myself by making it easier for my followers and customers to purchase things that maybe are more expensive somewhere else or it maybe that someone may have a problem with going out to stores, like I do! I have had people tell me that they were glad I started doing this because of that very reason and it makes me feel good to know I'm not alone and can help some!